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A Day In The Life: What It’s Like to Find Work Through Bluecrew

June 9, 2020
min read
Michael Vaynerman
Crew Members

Starting a new job can always feel like a gamble. Will it live up to my expectations? Will I like my boss? Will my coworkers be cool? You never know until you’ve been there. But that’s one of the most fun things about Bluecrew - you can try out as many different positions with as many different companies as you want. There’s total freedom to explore new things, learn new skills, and build a career that you love. 

At the same time, we realize that when you’re just starting out it might be hard to know what to expect working with Bluecrew. So here’s a quick rundown - a day in the life - of what it’s like to find work through Bluecrew. 

Planning your schedule

So it’s not always day-of that you’ll decide on your schedule. Sometimes, you might want to grab a shift same-day. But a lot of our Crew Members prefer to grab jobs in advance. 

All you have to do is open up the Bluecrew app. You’ll start out on your Schedule screen. That’s where you can see anything that’s already on your schedule for today or look at future dates. 

If you don’t have anything on your schedule yet, you’ll see a big blue button that says Find Work. By clicking there, you can find all of the open jobs you’re qualified for, and select the ones you want! And you can always become eligible for additional jobs by taking assessments and becoming qualified for new skills.

The primary point is that you are in control. You select the jobs you want, and there’s never a penalty for declining. So whether it’s day-of or a few weeks out, you get to pick the positions, times, and companies that interest you the most.

Starting your day

Let’s say, for the sake of this example, that you’re a morning person and you prefer working first shift. So your day is probably starting just before 8:00 a.m. 

All the details you need to know to get started with the day should be in the job you accepted. You’ll see the address, who to check in with when you arrive, if there’s any type of uniform required, and if there are any instructions for parking or where to enter the building. All of the info you need is in the palm of your hand. Your time clock is too - you can quickly and easily clock-in using the Bluecrew app. 

Typically, when you show up to a new worksite you’ll get some quick on-the-job training. For some complex positions, there can be a longer training period - it all depends on what type of jobs you’re interested in!

Then, just like any job, we get to work. You might be working with other Bluecrew Crew Members or with direct employees of the company. It all depends on the worksite. But we make an effort to work with companies that value their employees and treat all of their workers well.

You can clock-out for your break and/or lunch using the app, and again at the end of the day.

After work

After you clock-out at the end of the day, you’re good to go! 

There are a few more things you can do if you like though. First, you can review your employer - tell us about your day and what things had a positive impact on you. If you felt like communication was really good on-site or the training made your day much easier, we want to know! At the same time, constructive criticism is also helpful. Our goal is to make sure that both the employers we work with and our Crew Members have positive experiences. Anything you can tell us that will help us improve for the future is good to know!

In addition, when you impress an employer they might add you to one of their saved crews or favorite you! That’s their way of thanking you for your work, and they’d love to work with you again. We love getting to see Crew Members do a great job and get recognized for their hard work. 

At the end of the week

This is one of the most important parts: Crew Members get paid on a weekly basis. If you set up a direct deposit, the money you made last week goes straight into your bank account. If you prefer not to use a direct deposit, we send you a check. It’s that simple. 

And long-term

There are a few different options for how you can work with Bluecrew long-term. 

Some Crew Members are focused on finding a single permanent employer. They tend to only accept jobs that last a month or more and focus on one employer where they want to build a permanent full-time career. If you’re focused on achieving that goal, we’d love to help. Plus, a lot of people who do become permanent employees at a single worksite occasionally pick up on-demand jobs on Bluecrew when they need extra cash. 

Others are more focused on building their resume and learning different skills. We have Crew Members who have been working with us for years who enjoy getting to try out new jobs, learn new things, and have cool new experiences. They like the flexibility to pick the shifts that make sense for them, decide what days they want to work, and even work in different cities. 

Whatever your goals, we’re here to help you reach them. Get started with Bluecrew today, and don’t hesitate to let us know how we can help. 

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